
曾玉樺 / 太魯閣族編織


傳遞美好的事 Suyang Workshop

甦漾手作工坊 Suyang Workshop ,傳遞美好的事 ;Something Wonderful Suyang是太魯閣語,意指美好的事(something wonderful),既可以當作名詞,也可以當作形容詞 。太魯閣族的玉樺傳承即將失傳的部落織法,用母親贈送的傳統地織機(ubang)織出自己的作品, 並以Suyang為名,採蒲公英為主意象,成立甦漾(Suyang)手作工坊,希望賣出去的每一件作品 能夠帶著作者的心意,像種子一樣,把美好的事傳遞到遠方。

用菱形說故事 Tales in Rhombus 菱形是觀看的眼睛,是祖靈的庇護,也是日常敘事的圖形。玉樺喜歡在創作裡用上菱形,不是因為 它是必定遵循的傳統,而是純粹的熱愛。大型的菱形其實是很多小圖形拼湊起來的。這些小圖形不 一定要是菱形,每個創作的人能夠自由發揮,把很多看的、感受的、眷戀的,放入菱形裡,成為生 活的連結。 於是菱紋可以是山上的小路、水紋、或是夜裡的星空,拼湊起來,就是創作者眼底的世界。


源自生活,用於生活 From Life, In Life 甦漾手作工坊的作品是玉樺用母親從部落中少量僅存的織布箱,坐在地上織出來的。平時採用比較 柔軟、接受度高的棉線和亞麻棉,不但耐用也耐洗,目前的創作有書衣、家飾(桌墊、餐墊)、圍 巾,其中又以書衣為主。 創作時,她不會先畫藍圖,而是在織布的過程中,讓靈感慢慢進到心裡,再透過手流入到作品裡。 這些靈感來自於她生活的周遭,有時候是感受,有時候是想像,有時候是部落的地理樣貌,透過創 作,再以生活用品的樣貌回歸到生活裡。


汲取傳統、綻放未來 Innovation from Tradition 部落流傳一種雙面織法,叫做雙Kuwii,織出來的成品,兩面紋路不一樣。Kuwii在太魯閣語裡意指幼 蟲,玉樺則把Kuwii解釋成種子,織布時,在這一面掘土播種,種子在另一面綻放,如果退一步看, 織布是播種,織完時,花季就來了。採用傳統織法搭配現代的線材,保留部落老人家的傳統,重新 詮釋,開出新世代的創作,對現在的玉樺來說,這就是雙Kuwii,也就是她留給自己的書衣上縫製的 兩個字,「Nsbiyaw(老的、傳統的)Nsayang(新的,現代的)」。 


Suyang Workshop

Suyang is a Truku word meaning something wonderful. Yu-Hua, a Truku girl who has inherited traditional weave and produce her own work using Truku floor loom “ubang”, decides to use the word in her workshop, Suyang Workshop. With dandelion as its logo, she hopes that with each product sold, it can carry something wonderful to places faraway, just like a dandelion. 

To Truku people and many aboriginals across Taiwan, rhombus is the watchful eye of their ancestral spirits, looking after its people from the other side. The shape is commonly used to convey daily trivialities. Yu-Hua loves to use rhombus in her work, not out of obligation, but out of passion.  Large rhombus is usually composed of many small shapes that are not necessarily rhombic. Each weaver is free to incorporate what they see or how they feel into the rhombus unique to them. So, a rhombus can consist of mountain trails, watermarks, or glittering night sky. In short, it is the miniature world of the weaver.  

All the product available at Suyang Workshop is made by Yu-Hua, sitting on the floor, using traditional Truku loom. She uses mostly linen and cotton, which are durable and washable. The current products include fabric book cover, table and plate mats, and scarf. Yu-Hua enjoys designing while working, allowing inspiration flows within, and into her work through her hands. These inspirations, in the form of sentiments, imaginations, or the geography of her tribe, come from her immediate environment. They then return to her life in the forms of daily necessities.

There is a traditional double-faced weave named double-kuwi, where the product has distinct patterns on either side. Kuwi in Truku means larva. As for Yu-Hua, she likes to reinterpreted it as seeds. In her eyes, the two sides of double-Kuwi can be portrayed as sowing and budding, or taking a step back, the act of weaving is sowing, and the completion means the season of blossom. To Yu-Hua, the marriage of old weave and new material, and innovation based on preservation and reinterpretation of tradition, is her version of double-kuwi, just like what she wrote on her own fabric book cover, “Nsibiyaw (old, traditional), nsayang (new, modern)." 







FB : 甦漾手作工坊suyang workshop

手機 : 0975225192