YiZi Studio壹孜小狐狸



YiZi Studio是一個以繪本創作為創意發想的工作室,由一群喜愛繪畫的年輕人組成,透過圖像,繪本表述出一個個小故事,讓閱讀者能共同進入故事圖像文本,在沒有規則、沒有是非對錯的想像國度當中,跟著繪本故事的角色身歷其境的感覺、幻想與想像,從中進一步獲得翻轉的力量,是這個團隊推廣繪本創作的初衷。



【YiZi Studio】Drawing, Product design


YiZi Studio was established as an arena for illustration and story/plot development by a group of youngsters into drawing.  Through visual narratives, these creators intend to invite readers into an imaginary world with no binary oppositions or fixed rules, where readers might learn to think outside the box through identifying with characters in the tales.