
藍月美(太魯閣族)  編織





  • 2011  行政院-建國一百年原住民族手工藝業博覽會參展
  • 2010   第一屆全國原住民文創產品設計競賽 評審特別獎
  • 2000   花蓮縣原民局 民族風尚時裝佳作獎



【Yueh-Mei Lan】Taruku Indigenous group - Weaving


Also known as Masai in her tribal language, Yueh-Mei Lan, a studio weaver of Taruku Indigneous group, has been devoting her time to passing down Tauku traditional weaving.


Masai specializes in complicated manual weaving and skilled utilization of shuttles, taking advantage of the constant hitting of small gadgets back and forth to form beautiful pattern.  Through mixture of cotton and wool, Masai makes shawls, scarves, handbags and cushions.  What makes her pieces stand out is the innovative use of rainbow-like colors, which go hand in hand with the rainbow bridge legend of the tribe, thus well featuring the cultural heritage.